Monday, February 10, 2020
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Audio and Essays Parashat B’shalach
Audio and Essays Parashat B’shalach
Tu Bshvat – A Holiday for Trees?
The strange history of the varied celebrations of Tu Bshvat
Five-minute shiur
Finding our Voices (2020)
Parashat B'shalach Lifting Heads Toward Heaven
Five-minute shiur
Audio - Finding Our Voices
The Pharaoh-Lavan- Yosef - Amalek Conundrum
Armed (and Dangerous?)
Leaving Egypt with the Vilna Gaon and Messiach ben Yosef -
יציאת מצרים - יציאת יעקב לפי הגאון מוילנא
Parshat B’shalach / Crossing the Sea; a people divided
Parshat B’shalach / Lessons along the way
Parshat B’shalach According to the Vilna Gaon
Pharaoh's Responses to the Plagues
Parshat B'shalach 5770 - From Logic to Metalogic
Parshat B’shalach: The Eleventh Plague
The Tragedy of Lessons Not Learned
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Parashat Bo; Lectures and Essays
Parashat Bo; Lectures and Essays
New Shiur:
New Five-Minute Torah–
Five-Minute Torah–
The Secret of Redemption
Five-minute Torah – The Stages of Freedom
Blowing in the Wind
Emancipation from Mental Slavery
The Revealed Objective of the Exodus
Sunset of the Regime - Leaving Egypt
Pharaoh's Responses to the Plagues
The wickedness of the wicked son; a textual analysis
Parshat Bo - Did Leaving Egypt Include Deception?
Pesach - Four Sons - Four Questions
Pesach matzah maror; biblical antecedents.
Stringencies on Pesach (good or bad?)
Chametz (not) fit for man and dog
חייב אדם לעסוק בהלכות הפסח כל הלילה
The Collapse of the Pyramid Scheme
The Wicked Son in the Passover Haggadah
The Dignity of Mitzvot - Parshat Bo
More assorted lectures from the past few weeks
Rabbenu Tam and Martyrdom; a Strange Introduction to Euthanasia
The Four who Entered Pardes - an Introduction