Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Audio and Essays Parashat Miketz/ Chanuka
Audio and Essays Parashat Miketz/ Chanuka
Shabbat Shalom
Chanuka Sameach
New Lecture
Paroh's Nightmare
The Sequence of Lighting Chanukah Candles
Eschewing Revenge
The Executioner’s Protege
YouTube - The Executioner’s Protege
5 min audio
Is Chanukah More than a Festival of Lights?
5 min. Video
Chanukah - More than a festival of lights
Parshat Miketz Making Things Right
Parshat Mikeitz Looking For His Brothers
Reconstructing a Broken Family
Chanukah and Yosef - Seeing Up Close
Polytheism and Monotheism: The Benei Rachel
The Unbearable Burden of Greatness
Yosef's Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C
Why Yosef Never Contacted his Family(new old shiur)
Love and Hatred – Yosef his brothers and Tisha Bav (Hebrew)
The Executioner’s Protege
Vulnerability, Stability, and Holiness; A Perspective of Chanukah from the Land of Israel
Why are there 8 (and not 7 or 9) days of Chanuka (Hebrew)
Chanukat Hamizbayach; History and Theology
Chanukah - Candles and Unicorns
Monday, December 23, 2019
Friday, December 20, 2019
Audio and Essays Parashat Vayeshev
Audio and Essays Parashat Vayeshev
New Shiur
New Essay
The Imagined Trials and Real Tribulations of Yosef
Hebrew Chanukah Shiur
Five minute Audio - Unequal
New shiur
Yosef's brilliant plan to unite his family - which succeeded in an unanticipated manner.
Worse than you Thought – 5 min. audio
Worse than you Thought - YouTube
Unequal YouTube
The Strange Origin of Yehuda's Sense of Brotherhood
Yosef and Yehuda: Tzadik and Baal Teshuva? Chasid and Litvak?
The Imaginary Trials and Real Tribulations of Yosef
Theory of Conservation of Characters
The Dynamics of a Dysfunctional Patriarchal Family
שנאה ואהבה במכירת יוסף -שיעור לט' באב
נוח לו לאדם שיפיל את עצמו לתוך כבשן האש
Laws of Embarrassing others (Hebrew)
Parashat Vayeshev 5776 Family Dynamics
חנוכה - שבת כא-כב
Vulnerability, Stability, and Holiness; A Perspective of Chanukah from the Land of Israel
Why are there 8 (and not 7 or 9) days of Chanuka (Hebrew)
Chanukat Hamizbayach; History and Theology
Chanukah - Candles and Unicorns
Chanukah Candles on Erev Shabbat
Monday, December 16, 2019
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Audio and Essays Parashat Vayishlach
Audio and Essays Parashat Vayishlach
New – Lecture
Three Confrontations
Sarah's Protege
Sarah's Protege (5 minute version of The Unsung Hero)
Fighting Angels, Facing Demons
Yaacov's Multidimensional Injury
What are the various ways one can understand the injury to Yaacov in his epic battle with his mysterious assailant? And what does this have to do with Esav's tattoo?
The Blame Game
The Unsung Hero – Full Shiur
Fighting Angels facing Demons (Full lecture)
Fighting angels facing demons - 5 minute - Audio
Esav and his Henchman- Five minute -Audio
Struggle of Yakov and Esav from Birth to Almost Death
The Struggle of Yaakov and Esav; Yom Kippur and Sukkot
Yakov's Struggle; Identifying the Angel of Esav
The Ultimate Defeat of Esav by Yosef (Haftorah)
Theological Echoes of The Confrontation between Yakov and Esav
Kol and Rav -Michal and Meirav; The Secret Identity of King David
Who are You - Yakov or Yisrael?
Parashat Vayishlach - Yakov and Yisrael
Parashat Vayishlach Homeward Bound
Preparing for Battle, Praying for Peace
חנוכה - שבת כא-כב
Vulnerability, Stability, and Holiness; A Perspective of Chanukah from the Land of Israel
Is Chanukah More than a Festival of Lights?
Chanukat Hamizbayach; History and Theology
למה יש שמונת ימים של חנוכה (ולא 7 או 9(?
Marchesvan in Halacha and Aggada