Audio and Essays Parashat Vayeshev
New Shiur
New Essay
The Imagined Trials and Real Tribulations of Yosef
Hebrew Chanukah Shiur
Five minute Audio - Unequal
New shiur
Yosef's brilliant plan to unite his family - which succeeded in an unanticipated manner.
Worse than you Thought – 5 min. audio
Worse than you Thought - YouTube
Unequal YouTube
The Strange Origin of Yehuda's Sense of Brotherhood
Yosef and Yehuda: Tzadik and Baal Teshuva? Chasid and Litvak?
The Imaginary Trials and Real Tribulations of Yosef
Theory of Conservation of Characters
The Dynamics of a Dysfunctional Patriarchal Family
שנאה ואהבה במכירת יוסף -שיעור לט' באב
נוח לו לאדם שיפיל את עצמו לתוך כבשן האש
Laws of Embarrassing others (Hebrew)
Parashat Vayeshev 5776 Family Dynamics
חנוכה - שבת כא-כב
Vulnerability, Stability, and Holiness; A Perspective of Chanukah from the Land of Israel
Why are there 8 (and not 7 or 9) days of Chanuka (Hebrew)
Chanukat Hamizbayach; History and Theology
Chanukah - Candles and Unicorns
Chanukah Candles on Erev Shabbat
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